Availability for support for nonprofits, schools, or governments helping to flatten the curve of COVID-19 spread by following public health recommendations, and addressing the financial and service impacts of those measures on those they serve, will be available at www.qccommunityfoundation.org/recoverygrants.
·For general guidance from national sources to nonprofits on response, remote work, and self-care, visit the website of Wastyn & Associates.
https://www.wastynassoc.com/resources-for-nonprofits-in-the-time-of-covid19 The Quad Cities Chamber of Commerce Covid-19 resource guide for businesses.
https://quadcitieschamber.com/covid-resource Individuals with questions of a legal nature should call the COVID-19 Legal Information Hotline at 1-800-332-0419. It was developed in partnership with Iowa Legal Aid, the Iowa State Bar Association and the Polk County Volunteer Lawyer Project. The hotline can assist Iowans with business and compliance issues, eviction, denial of unemployment benefits, employment issues, and other personal legal concerns. You will be asked to leave a message, and someone will return your call.
· If you have been laid off due to COVID-19 related measures, you are eligible for unemployment assistance. Both Iowa and Illinois have made unemployment available and you can apply online.
· Illinois https://www2.illinois.gov/ides/Pages/default.aspx · Iowa https://www.iowaworkforcedevelopment.gov/COVID-19 Anyone in Scott and Rock Island County can dial 211 for information direct from public health, as well as about social services.
Or visit https://www.211iowa.org/. To provide updates on your available services TO 211 so that individuals can learn about them, contact Karrie Abbott at United Way of the Quad Cities.